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Food 4 Thought

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The Decadent Elite

The decadent elite(1%) control the masses through media manipulation and propaganda that they then lobby to get turned into laws and policies. They abhor critical thinkers, and anybody that displays independent thought. This is why they go after people like Kanye. They fear that the Kanyes will influence or wake up all the people they got spellbound and comatose from Lame stream and social media propaganda and make them to question why they have so much wealth and power and regular people have so little in comparison. 

They fear that independent thinkers, especially independent thinkers with talent, will steal their psychological slaves, expose the truth, and cause them to be removed from their puppet master status. This is why they go so hard on the Kanye’s cancelling them, and targeting their livelihoods. They need to discredit independent thinkers, to make them look like the frauds that they themselves (the decadent elite) are. 

They will say or do anything to maintain wealth and power and keep their slaves padding their accounts because you cant get wealthy without money from the people, and since they don’t have anything of value to give to the people they lead with deception, manipulation, and coercion. It you don’t toe the line, you will be Kanye’ed, Bill Cosbyed or Diddyed.

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When People Say Anti Woke Are They Really Saying Anti-Black?

When these people say they are anti-woke what they really mean is they are pro sleep, pro being politically unconscious or comatose. Even their top experts when asked what woke means, can’t define it. But what it really means to them is Black People. So when they say their anti woke they wanna say their anti Black but it’s illegal and comes with a lot of consequences, so they say anti woke. But lets look at the subliminal message being sent. Again, in terms of words, anti woke means pro sleep. And they prove it means pro sleep by the dumb sht they say after they say anti-woke. One doh doh bird said that Daniel penny was morally right in murdering a mentally ill homeless man. Even the FEDS can’t execute a mentally ill prisoner. If you look at the absence of critical thinking in this statement. Because if it was morally right for DP to murder a harmless, mentally ill man, then it would be morally right for every Black person that is descendants of slaves to walk up and kill every white person that descended from slave masters for the crimes against humanity they committed against their ancestors. A moral person would say that would be morally right to do. But would it?


These people are not critical thinkers they are controlled by trigger words and talking points that many of them clearly don’t understand. They say stupid, petty, senseless sht out of hatred for Blacks. People under the anti-woke banner (from the university professor to the trailer park trash) are simply racist. All they really understand about anti woke is that it’s anti Black, and they support that on an instinctual level without thinking. They have a mortal fear of Blacks , particularly Black Males, because they believe that when Blacks rise to real power they will exact vengeance on them for the crimes against humanity they committed against their ancestors.